Google joins the City Search & Local Network: Update business info on Google directly from your City Search & Local dashboard

Google joins City Search & Local Network

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Presence Management Listing Network Display Network

Experience the Power of Display Advertising

Reach millions of people on mobile and local

The City Search & Local Display Network (CSLDN) is a network of 2 million+ websites, search engines, social media and apps. These publishers have advertising space where you can place your image, text and video ads.

Advertising on the City Search & Local Display Network is a simple way to reach millions of people.

City Search & Local allows you to reach relevant customers by:

Contextual Targeting - Target your audience based on their keyword search, topic search or placement search (sites they visit)
Audience Targeting Target - your audience based on their interests, demographics or through remarketing.
Interest category targeting – show ads to people based on what they like
Demographic – select your audience based on their gender and age